
Hello, my name is Aiden or Mordo, as people call me on the internet. My pronouns are They/Them.I am a freelance digital artist online and a graphic designer.I am 24 years old, graduated in advertising and publicity, currently studying 2D animation, and I like to draw cute cartoon little creatures.

-Discord: mordodraws
-E-mail: [email protected]
HOW TO PAY FOR THE COMMISSIONS?I accept payments through money transfer, Ko-fi and PayPal (Pix for Brazilians). If you want to pay through another app ask me if I have it available.

Terms of Service:- Commissions must be paid up front, I will not start your commission until I get the payment.-I don't do NSFW commissions, please do not ask me for one.- If you need a commission done for a certain date let me know beforehand, fees may be added depending on the date.- No refunds, unless it’s for emergency reasons and/or I haven’t started on the commission yet.- Do not rush me, if you’re curious to know about the progress of the commission you may ask me for a link to access my Trello queue.- Do not send me any NSFW references before asking if you can first. It is recommended that you only send me SFW references or censored ones.- Do not sexualize me or my characters in any way, that will result in a block and you will be blacklisted from getting any type of commission or art reward from me, followed by a post to warn fellow artists. The same applies for any kind of disrespect.- The commissions are for personal use, do not use it without giving me proper credits and do not use it for commercial purposes unless it had been stated beforehand.- Commissions for commercial purposes will be charged extra, contact me for details on the price.- You may use my commissions on your social media and in your channels if you credit me properly.- Do not repost my artwork without asking me for permission first and giving me proper credit if allowed to.- Do not pay me with any cryptocurrency.- Do not modify or edit any of my commissions. If you want to change something in a commission you bought from me just message me and ask for an edit. The edit will be free unless it’s a complex change to the drawing.- Payment will attest to your awareness towards the terms of service and commit you to respect it.- All of my commissions can be of human/fantasy/anthro characters of any species and gender.- Caso você seja Brasileiro me mande uma DM para saber os preços em Reais.- If you support NFTs, Generative AI, Pedophilia or Zoophilia I will not provide art for you.

USD: 5$
BRL: 10R$
USD: +2.5$
BRL: +5R$
Add extra character
USD: Half the final price
BRL: Metade do preço final

USD: 5-10$ each
BRL: 10-20R$ cada
Add extra character
USD: Half the final price
BRL: Metade do preço final

USD: 20$
BRL: 40R$
Add detailed object
USD: +5$
BRL: +10R$
USD: +10$
BRL: +20R$
Detailed background
USD: +10$
BRL: +20R$
Add extra character
USD: half the final price
BRL: Metade do preço final

Full Body
USD: 30$
BRL: 60R$
Add detailed object
USD: +5$
BRL: 10R$
USD: +15$
BRL: 30R$
Detailed background
USD: +15$
BRL: +30R$
Add extra character
USD: half the final price
BRL: Metade do preço final